57 Seconds Cast Salary

57 Seconds is an upcoming Hollywood science fiction thriller film directed by Rusty Cundief. The film is based on the novel Lucifer.
The total budget of the film is $8.3 million.

57 Seconds Actors And Salary

Josh Hutcherson, who plays Franklin Fox, has reportedly taken a salary of $600k for this film.

Morgan Freeman, who plays Anton Burrell, has reportedly taken a salary of $450k for 57 seconds.

Lovie Simone, who plays Jala, has reportedly taken a salary of $300k for this film.

Greg Germann, who plays Sig Thorensen, has reportedly taken a salary of $180k for 57 seconds.

Bevin Bru, who plays Rene Renzler, has reportedly taken a salary of $150k for this film.

Sammy Rotibi, who plays Calvert, has reportedly taken a salary of $100k for this film.

Mark Jacobson reportedly took a salary of $120k for 57 seconds.

D.A. Obahor has reportedly taken a salary of $80k for this film.

David Kallaway has reportedly taken a salary of $70k for this film.

AJ Rome reportedly took a salary of $60k for 57 seconds.

Kenneth Kynt Bryan reportedly took a salary of $50k for 57 seconds.

57 Ceconds Trailer

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