57 Seconds is an upcoming Hollywood science fiction thriller film directed by Rusty Cundief. The film is based on the novel Lucifer.
The total budget of the film is $8.3 million.
57 Seconds Actors And Salary
Josh Hutcherson, who plays Franklin Fox, has reportedly taken a salary of $600k for this film.
Morgan Freeman, who plays Anton Burrell, has reportedly taken a salary of $450k for 57 seconds.
Lovie Simone, who plays Jala, has reportedly taken a salary of $300k for this film.
Greg Germann, who plays Sig Thorensen, has reportedly taken a salary of $180k for 57 seconds.
Bevin Bru, who plays Rene Renzler, has reportedly taken a salary of $150k for this film.
Sammy Rotibi, who plays Calvert, has reportedly taken a salary of $100k for this film.
Mark Jacobson reportedly took a salary of $120k for 57 seconds.
D.A. Obahor has reportedly taken a salary of $80k for this film.
David Kallaway has reportedly taken a salary of $70k for this film.
AJ Rome reportedly took a salary of $60k for 57 seconds.
Kenneth Kynt Bryan reportedly took a salary of $50k for 57 seconds.